
One Stop Solution for Advocates

With the assistance of numerous distinguished Advocates and their extensive experience, the team crafted the "Advocate Diary." This tool aims to serve as a digital aide for advocates, facilitating the management of their schedules, case details, and client information. It also prompts reminders for upcoming dates and fee collection, all while maintaining a user-friendly interface accessible from anywhere.

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About Advocate Diary

Always accessible, electronic diary, avoid errors and loss of Information

It doesn’t require any upfront investment. The tool is available for subscription. The price is just Rs. 99 pm, cheaper than having a coffee with someone. No commitment, allow to cancel your subscription anytime, makes it a "MUST TRY"


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Advocate Diary Features

Amazing Features

Electronic Diary

It enables you to manage all your case records in electronic format.

Daily hearing list

Customized reports, enabling you to view daily hearing lists with minimum efforts.

Manage Unlimited Cases

There is no restriction on number of cases, you can store. Making it, one source of information for you.

Customizable Masters

You can customize your list of courts, case types and stages. This makes data entry easy and fast. Making software learn, your terminology

Smart ways to search cases

Enables you to mark important cases (star), store tags information, you can store any keyword with case detail, and thus making search easy, fast and accurate.

Easy Maintenance

System is built with more emphasis on easy and accurate maintenance of data. Allowing you to update next date and proceedings with quite ease.


When you subscribe to Advocate-diary, you invest in your practice

It costs just Rs. 99 per month, less than cost of two coffees You can pay using multiple modes, including direct transfer or deposit to our account

A great new Tool to manage your Diary. Helps you Save Time and Money.

Always accessible, electronic diary,avoid errors and loss of Information...

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How It Works

3 Easy Steps

Register Now
Login To Your Profile
Utilize the software
Pricing Plan

When you subscribe to Advocate-Diary, you Invest in your Practice.

Free to Trial


Free Trial for 15 days.
Store Cases
Store Document files
Adjournment Reminders
Daily Cases Dashboard
Send e-mail and WhatsApp reminders

Pay per Quarter


Pay & Utilize it for Quarter
Store Unlimited Cases
Store Document files
Adjournment Reminders
Daily Cases Dashboard
Send e-mail and WhatsApp reminders

Pay per Year


Pay & Utilize it for annual
Store Unlimited Cases
Store Document files
Adjournment Reminders
Daily Cases Dashboard
Send e-mail and WhatsApp reminders

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