Advocate Diary Features

Always accessible, electronic diary, avoid errors and loss of Information...

It enables you to manage all your case records in electronic format.

Customized reports, enabling you to view daily hearing lists with minimum efforts.

There is no restriction on number of cases, you can store. Making it, one source of information for you.

You can customize your list of courts, case types and stages. This makes data entry easy and fast. Making software learn, your terminology.

Enables you to mark important cases (star), store tags information, you can store any keyword with case detail, and thus making search easy, fast and accurate.

System is built with more emphasis on easy and accurate maintenance of data. Allowing you to update next date and proceedings with quite ease.

It comes with the latest technology over cloud and mobile, enabling your practice to reap the benefits.

Manage client details, along with case, making it easier to manage, search and communicate.

All your case details are available at your fingertips, no more looking into different diaries for different years.

System allows you to automatically sends communication to client over email and SMS, thus saving your valuable time.

No need to buy any expensive software, advocate-diary is available over cloud on per use model.

Your data is available over your smart phone (Android), making it even easier to access.

It records the fee agreed and various payments received, ensuring no financial loss.

Your Data is your's only, so if you decide to stop using Advocate-Diary, you can request the complete data dump of your's. After due validation, we would be providing you the complete data, without any additional cost.