
Visitors who are visiting first time will need to register first to access

Here you need to provide your company name, company logo and some sort of other relevant information about your company to register on advocate-diary. In case you are registering as individual and not as firm, enter your name in Company/Firm Name. In the section Advocate Information, at least detail of one advocate is mandatory.

A calendar is one of the most useful tools that a modern business can have. You can access to the diary and can find a time to suit you before you add next case. You can keep track on your monthly task in one go. It saves a lot of time of yours. It will help you out in conflict your task.

Add New Case allows entering the details about the Case filed in court. It has all the information which helps advocate in tracking and monitoring the case history/proceedings. The section gives user some features mentioned here.

Here you can go through all your cases in a single go .You can randomly select any case to see its progress and also allowed to make any changes in any of the cases directly by clicking on the Case ID. Then you can update the changes. You are also applicable to take some action on a particular case like you can give star to the most important case, can see the case history and pricing details.


Search Cases enables user to glance through cases based on some information. User can enter information appropriately in one or more fields.  Advocate-Diary

This is very important feature provided to keep track of case where Next Date of hearing is not entered. User is advised to key in the information on the daily basis. By Default cases are sorting on Next Date.


legal diary

This link will allow primary user (multiple lawyer) to enable or restricts any lawyer’s access at any time. You can give the access to other lawyer as per your requirement. The page allows user to add Lawyers.
